sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

Paisagens árcticas de Subhankar Banerjee

Texto da New York Review of Books sobre o livro de Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point. O resto do texto pode ser visto aqui. A foto é do próprio feita num cemitério inupiat (povo nómada do Alasca)

"Among the wonders to appear in the changing Arctic in recent years is the India-born photographer and activist Subhankar Banerjee. Coming from Kolkata (Calcutta), where the average mean temperature is 80.4 degrees Fahrenheit, Banerjee has dedicated himself to recording and working for the preservation of Arctic places. It is safe to say that he has been colder than most people from his native country have occasion to be. In Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point, an anthology of writings by thirty-seven authors that he has compiled and linked with his commentary, pieces of autobiography sometimes jump out: for example, that he started traveling in Alaska only about a decade ago, and that he became a US citizen after his Arctic photographs raised so much controversy in Senate debates in 2003 that he feared he might be deported."

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